Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Players: Aging Longhorns

A friend referred me to this site, which chronicles a regular pickup game at UT Austin (now apparently defunct). The player profiles are great, and a bunch of the nicknames made me laugh out loud. A few favorites: "Vanilla Smoothie," "Schayes," and 'The Accomodator."

Anyone else know of other aging ballers online?


Anonymous said...

Thank you for rekindling a bit of the joy that Sunday Morning Hoops at UT brought to me (and arguably most of SMH's regular participants) all those years ago. I will dust the site off and try to locate all the former members for some anniversay postings! Re-reading the player bio's made me laugh out loud several times, and it got me thinking about something that deserved its own post at Setshot: virtually all SMH@UT players had that one patented move that was "unstoppable" (or at least they certainly thought so). Does everyone out there have one, and did "she" ever let you down? But hey, this is your site so don't let me tell you your business!

Jeff said...

Well, thank YOU guys for having SMH, and the site. Mothy - you are now the second person to suggest "special moves" as a Setshot topic, so it looks like we'll have to do a post about it. I hope you all weigh in with your contributions.